martedì 23 gennaio 2018


Angelina Jordan is a singer & author based in Norway; born and raised in Oslo. At the age of one and a half, Angelina was introduced to Whitney Houston via YouTube. She then discovered Billie Holiday and Dianah Washington, which are her inspirations to this day, but her ultimate influence was and will always be jazz music. When she was just nine years old, Angelina authored her first book, making her the youngest published author countrywide. Most notably, Angelina was the Winner of Norway’s Got Talent in 2014. Angelina has performed for the Rainforest Alliance , for 13 NASA astronauts in California, for  Ein Herz für Kinder in Berlin and for Rotary in Seoul; she even performed for a Noble Peace Prize Winner. Angelina’s videos have received over 100 million views on YouTube and over 600 million views on Facebook. Her dream is to perform for the entire world and to sing endlessly.

mercoledì 10 gennaio 2018


A tradition of Christmas is hanging stockings up on the window sill or near the hearth, is readiness to receive gifts from Santa. 17 centuries ago in Turkey, Nicholas was known all over his benevolence because he used to distribute gifts to children on Christmas Eve. While he was passing a house, he heard a father and his daughters lamenting how they were unable to be married because they were poor. So Nicholas placed enough gold pieces in each stockings for the girls. Another variation is putting hay and carrots in their shoes by Dutch children for the horse of Sinterklass, who is their patron saint and brings them presents. Swedish children wait for a kindly gnome instead of Santa. This gnome believed to live under the floorboards. In some part of France, Mexico and Spain, children wait for the Three Kings to fill their shoes with presents. Finally, in Italy there is ''La Befana'', another version of Santa that visits the Italian children and gives them gifts albeit on Epiphany or 6th of January.