-The situation of women in our world today is very important. There are many differences between richer and poorer countries. In industrialized countries more and more women have jobs and go to work, also they do not want to stay at home any longer. Meanwhile in developing countries the situation of women is different. Many of them stay at home and look after their children. Helping women in the Third World is very important. One of the key factors is education because women who go to school and maybe later on study at a university have higher chances of getting a job. Educated women also know more about health care. More than half of the 40 million people living with AIDS today are women. In Africa, more than 75 % of all AIDS victims are young women.
-The almost daily headlines about cruel acts of violence and discrimination against women provide plenty of reasons to be pessimistic about women’s equality and safety in today’s world. But there are also some reasons to hope. Women and girls have made important gains; gains that point to a much brighter future. Over the past several decades, the World Bank has been an important thought leader on the value of investing in women and girls. In 2001, the Bank released a seminal report which made the incontrovertible case that investing in girls’ education and other aspects of female empowerment is critical for poverty alleviation. More recently, the Bank devoted its annual World Development Report to women and girls.
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